I rang in the new year with old friends and tootsie pops in midtown, close enough to dance through the drifts of post-midnight confetti but far enough away to be spared the sight of Mariah Carey and the sound of what I’m sure she assumed were her legions of delirous fans.
Next year, I propose that we tour some nursing homes and take advantage of hearing impairments for our own petty amusement:
“Happy pap smear!”
“Snappy bandolier!”
“Crappy brigadier!”
“That’s not a real Vermeer!”
“I’m going to sell you to Zaire! For manual labor!"
My first musical recommendation for this new year is a song that appeared on many of my Christmas mixes this year: “Love Generation” by Bob Sinclar. It is happy, happy, oh so happy, and infectiously dancable. Priceless prizes and immortal glory to the most creative description (text or video) of your listening experience …
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