Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Recap

I promised you all a recap... but what to say without tooting my own turkey?!

Perhaps it would be more modest to review it in the words of my guests: Maryam said "5 stars habibti!" Denise proclaimed it "a triumph!" Mohammed said "indescribable" (which I hope is good!). Maya kept sighing and whispering to herself "mmmm, mashed potatoes..." Mahmoud and Emil didn't say anything because their mouths were full. And Amira said "excellent everthing, including the company!" Nuria, the world-famous food critic, hasn't weighed in yet -- I believe her review will appear on the 'Vini Edi Dormi' blog...

Our menu:
Roasted turkey and gravy (big thanks to Denise for the bird-mentoring)
Stuffing (classic Baba recipe)
Mashed potatoes
Corn casserole
Cranberry sauce with fresh herbs and pomegranate syrup
Brussel sprouts
Sweet potato casserole
And for dessert: pumpkin pie, chocolate pecan pie, and vanilla ice cream

In addition to the pleasure of the feast, I enjoyed making it. I especially got a kick out of learning that cranberries pop when you cook them! And I was amazed to discover that there is no wizardry involved in roasting a turkey.

Now the only problem is that, as with any good thanksgiving spread, there is a fridge full of leftovers. Since I live with only one person, and that one person doesn't really believe in leftover-eating, I anticipate a full week of thanksgiving-sandwich dinners. It will be carbo-overload, but the fact is that I do love the thanksgiving-sandwich! It reminds me of high school, when we used to order thanksgiving subs from the store in middletown which called them "Bobbies" for some reason that none of us ever understood.

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