Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Last Cupcake in Marienbad

Wowee this season of Mahmovies! is kicking some cinematic booty. This week's screening of "Last Year in Marienbad" was stunning, mysterious, and atmospheric. This was the first time I ever watched a French movie and didn't even bother to read the sub-titles the whole time -- it almost didn't matter what they were saying. It's all about those costumes! And cornices! And, sacre bleu, those cheekbones!

We're doing well with the cupcakes, too. This week's flavors were chocolate and tiramisu and they sold well (which is good because otherwise Mahmoud and I gain weight from the leftovers). We're well on our way to raising enough to cover food costs for a MESCO nursery for 6 months!

Next week I'm thinking about carrot cake... and some sort of chocolate something... any requests?


Hind said...

Yay! The cupcake idea is great. Am happy you are doing this. I missed the tiramisu ones, dammit, my favorite dessert of all time!

nktokyo said...

Hi Eva, This is great stuff... Thanks for feeding people with your cupcakes to feed more -- the needy ones! Keep doing the good work and i wish you all the very success! CAP appreciates your creative effort - THANK YOU! Neha Kumar, CAP HK

Fatima Najm CAP said...

You are truly craftacular! I am so happy that you popped those cupcakes onto our plates that day in your kitchen, so happy you are using your baking skills in the service of humanity and so happy you are with Mahmoud - teehee youre a happy-maker

Anonymous said...

Carrot care or chocolate cake can be delicious, very great what you doing, Thanks a lot, and keep it up!Noella