I thought I would do a lot more blogging in these last few months. But here I am, halfway through the most leisurely summer of my adult life, and I have scarcely a blog to show for it. I have no excuse nor explanation. All I have is a backlog of blog, which sounds like a fattening thing, if you ask me.
SO… through several posts over the next few weeks, my aim is to squeeze out some of the bloggable nuggets that have become lodged in my brain. I may be a bit rusty. They’re likely to read like outlines because I think in bullet points, but nevertheless, let’s get started. Today is a little crafty blog:
One thing I’ve been doing a lot of recently is making stuff. I finally formed my little crafts collective and it has indeed given me the desired boost of motivation to actually turn my sewing machine on every once in a while.

Here’s a laptop case I made. It’s made of fake blue plastic snakeskin, some fake suede snakeskin in camouflage colors, and the remnants of the most lovely neon jungle material which once was a mumu. This, incidentally, is one of my greatest crafting tips: when cruising thrift stores for fabrics, buy mumus. Clothing for fat people = more cloth for the money.
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