Here's my little dent. I don't know whether to be proud of her or embarrassed that she's so small. Or just embarrased that I crashed into a stationary object.
Though, it must be said, it isn't nearly as embarassing as when mahboyfriend crashed into the back of a Rainbow milk truck because he was busy making faces at Ve and I as we drove alongside.
The not-so-innocent provocateurs of the crash:
Um, are you sticking a tampon in your friend's nose? If so, brava!
P.S. I know it's so lame to do this over a blog comment, but girl, you need to write me back! I've sent you a super-long email, some funny links, and like a bajillion euro-pop songs. Email me now, you nasal tamponizer!
This was one Eval blog! he he he God got back at you by making you ram into me and yet you invoke my once-in-a-million-years driving mistake. shame!
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