Thursday, July 13, 2006


What does one say to someone whose hometown is under attack? I don’t know, and feel a lesser girlfriend for it.

I’m scared by the recent activity in Lebanon and Israel and don't know what to do about it. Life here in Dubai is just the same as normal, spinning by at a pace I can’t afford to step away from. But an airport runway I’ve actually landed on now lays in smoking ruins and a suburb I’ve driven through is about to be flattened by Israeli tanks. It’s surreal and terrifying, and that's just the reaction of a girl who's visited once.

I can scarcely imagine how people in Beirut are reacting. When I was there, I was struck by the prominence of the scars left on the public psyche by the civil wars. Years of relative peace have ticked by, but still “in the war” “during the war” “because of the war” is in every sentence and on every brick in the city. It didn’t seem to me to be a negative preoccupation, just an acknowledgment of the centrality of the war in their city identity. I even felt something positive in it, in that there seemed to be a palpable sense of relief, still, in the termination of that danger and chaos. My heart goes out to them now – it must feel like relapsing into a nightmare.

1 comment:

nick said...

i think "are you okay?" is about the only thing one *can* say in a situation like the one your boyfriend is in. besides "be safe" and "isn't the israeli gov't eternally fucked up?" my girlfriend was 3 blocks away from the world trade center on 9/11 and continually revisits it in her mind. her stories are so surreal and terrifying. and i was some 5000 miles away in germany, watching the events unfold on my boarding room tv, totally distant, disconnected. wow, that's some hard shit to relate. i hope your man is safe and well, eva. same for you.