This Monkey, yet unnamed, is currently en route to London where he will take up residence in chez Lenz, in the small room at the top of the stairs, in the possession of one adorable baby named Cecilia.
I started to knit Monkey when Ceci was a mere spot on her mother’s ultrasound. Yes, that’s right – it’s taken me over a year and a half to knit this thing! There have been a few mishaps along the way, including one point when I was most of the way done with the head and torso and realized that I was using the wrong size needles and was going to end up with a monster-sized monkey. So I unraveled him. Have you ever unraveled a monkey? It’s an experience I recommend.
I used some ever-so-slightly more advanced techniques on the scarf and hat, but otherwise I followed the instructions exactly. I bought this enchanting little kit that included instructions, yarn, tiny needles, stuffing, everything and I thought, “this is going to be a breeze – I’ll be done in a week.” And do you know why I thought that?... Because the box was clearly labeled “For ages 8+” and was plastered with pictures of 8-year-olds proudly hugging their perfectly knit monkeys. BULLSHIT, I say, unless those are all 8-year-old knitting prodigies. (Or maybe I’m knitting-handicapped?)
In any case, Monkey will be missed around here. Over the past year and a half, many of our friends have watched him grow and have fallen in love with him bit by bit as he began to assume a more monkey-like shape. He was complete for about a month before I had the courage to pack him in a box and send him away. I hope he has a good life with Ceci…