I resisted for a long time, insisting on remaining loyal to my old 2004 PowerBook G4. "I can still turn her on," I'd say, "it's fine -- what do I need a new computer for?" But the fact is that she is old, at least 90 in computer-years, which makes her a starra-Baba laptop, and she's also never been quite the same since her concussion in a tragic dining table accident last year. She's pretty much on life support now, unable to stay awake for more than a few minutes unless plugged into the wall. She forgets where she puts things and sometimes cries softly in confusion if I ask her to do too many things at once. Occasionally when we sing songs together on iTunes, which was always our favorite way to pass the time, she forgets the words and sings instead in her native binary blips and beeps. Poor starra computer. I think she has earned a restful retirement as part-time keeper of my music library.
Now that I'm on the new laptop, woooeee I'm whizzing around with this amazing trackpad and its glorious gliding and pirouetting. My fingers are dancing like Fred Astaire. They're flicking and flowing like the conductor's baton for a tiny magical orchestra. Thank you, Apple, for making my fingers so happy!
Many more blogs to come, now that typing is so fun!
...and also now that I have Photobooth, which is an ENDLESS source of narcissistic entertainment...