Yesterday I decided to hit the track. The worst of the infernal summer blaze is over so I figured it was time to end my summer's hiatus from outdoor exercise. I bounced out the door with a load of new gear: new socks, new hair band, new headphones, and a new playlist.
Current conditions are still pretty sticky though. And HAZY. As I jogged along, to one side, the sky and ocean fuzzed into a single blue-gray hue and, on the other side, the haze obscured all the towers, save the upper tip of the Burj Dubai which emerged about 500 meters up into the sky. Ahead of me, the bent arms of construction cranes on the Dubai Maritime City port were sunk into enough haze to resemble from afar an enormous slow-moving tarantula.
Another aspect of jogging conditions at the track on Russian Beach is that it remains an immensely popular hangout for all sorts of non-jogging people. Yesterday, cricket was the order of the day with the Indian men. There were 3 pick-up cricket games at different points along the track and, yes, I did almost get hit with a tennis ball at one point.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
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