I moved on a whim, thinly disguised as a job. I came for some sun, I came to see the shiny buildings, I came because I’ve never been to the Middle East aside from a midnight layover in the Abu Dhabi airport, which rather resembles a spaceship dressed as a Las Vegas peacock.
Dubai is an odd place. Modern, bustling, incredibly exciting, and yet somehow hollow. No heart, no soul. I guess this is the Tin Man of cities. More on that in another post… For now: let’s talk about the weather. 75’ and sunny everyday, not a cloud in sight. Apparently it rains here 3 days a year. This is likely to drive me insane eventually (I live for thunderstorms), but it’s OK as a novelty for the moment.
We had one of our three days of rain earlier this week. It sprinkled for a few hours and, amidst panicked cries of “it’s raining cats and dogs!,” I watched from my glass office tower as the city streets transformed into accident-clogged canals. There are no sewage or gutter systems here! Traffic fatalities (already the highest per capita in the world) quadrupled that day and the camels looked confused.
People keep asking me if I’m going to stay. I’m not sure yet. I’ve met some brilliant people, including my long-lost twin brother, but it lacks the quirky, historic, and cosy elements of a city which I usually gravitate towards.
I certainly COULD live here. It’s full of interesting things to look at…

… but I COULD get along pretty much anywhere, and that includes most cardboard boxes.

(though not a box with one of these in it.)

The question is not COULD I make it work here, but should I? Or should I shove off in favour of a city with a wardrobe broader than business suits and evening glitter?
Answers would be most appreciated.